Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Stalker

I mentioned in this post back in June that my little brother has joined the Army and is at basic training right now.  I am so excited to say that my hubby is making it possible for me to fly over for his BCT graduation in September! {Yay! Thank you! I love you!}

I've been stalking keeping an eye my brother's Company on Facebook since I found out they had a page.  Each time they post new photos, I immediately search through them and seek out my own SIT (Soldier In Training).  So far, we've found one photo of him eating, and one video of him in the gas chamber.  I think I may have found another of him last week!

It's kind of hard to tell, but I'm almost 99.9% positive that's him!  I don't think he knows yet that we {my step-dad and I} are coming over for his BCT graduation.  It'll be quite the surprise!

Keep up the good work Bryce! {Even though you will most likely never see this! Ha!}

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blueberry Hill

When I was Dustin's age, my mom and I would get together with other family members and go to Blueberry Hill to pick berries.  I always loved it and I was SO excited when I got the chance to take Dustin to experience it for the first time!  I know that him being three he couldn't care less, it's just another berry field to him, but it was so neat for me!

Dustin would pick all of the "green-berries" ...

... and then steal everyone else's blueberries!


The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Photos

I've been working hard here at home, going through all of our photos, organizing, cleaning, editing, and getting a bunch of new posts ready! Be prepared for post overload this month! Just a preview of what I've been learning teaching myself playing around with... love!

