Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This week's photo challenge over at The Paper Mama is feet.

Dustin's feet... please don't mind the dirty toenails! {eeek!} They grow like crazy and being a boy, during summer, he was outside all day, every day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: "Snowmageddon"

We're in the middle of what everyone seems to be calling "snowmageddon". At first I was skeptical, but the past 2-3 days have proven to be quite... snowmageddon-ish! We've gotten at least a whole foot of snow, and tonight is supposed to bring us a few more inches! With all this snow, it felt necessary to take full and complete advantage of it. What better way to do that than... going sledding!!! Wahoo!

Being his first time and all, I was so nervous about how Dustin was going to react to sledding.  Surprisingly, though, he took right to it and loved it!  Even better, he kept wanting to sled down the hill by himself! My little daredevil, I'm so proud of him!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Just a quick note to wish you all a Happy New Year!  I hope everyone is having fun and being safe!